
Doctor Spotlight – Dr. Viktória Kovács ENT Specialist

Why did you become a doctor?

Ever since I was little, I loved science, biology, and how the human body works. It’s always been clear to me that I will be a doctor. I consciously guided my studies in this direction.

Why did you choose your specialty?

ENT and head and neck surgery is the full name of my specialty. This covers many areas, like classic ENT problems, allergies, hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, breathing and swallowing problems, and oncology-related problems. So our field of expertise is quite complex, and because of this, we can achieve an actual cure for many diseases with appropriate medication or surgery. These are a few of my reasons for choosing this specialty, which has been developing recently, with many new, and more effective treatments available to us year after year.

What are the good points of being a doctor? The bad ones?

Being a doctor is a profession. I think it is the most important thing. It feels terrific when patients honor me with their trust, turn to me with their complaints, and in the end, we are both pleased with their recovery. I couldn’t really say the bad parts of my job, every patient is different, and I have to adjust my approach to them to achieve the best possible outcome. This isn’t always easy.

What makes FirstMed different from other places where you have practiced medicine?

Here at FirstMed, we have a team of professionals who have a lot of experience. We also have modern instruments. If we need diagnostics that aren’t available in the house, we can schedule them as an outside appointment quickly, like a CT or MRI. This gives us every tool necessary to achieve the best outcome for every patient, and we can do all of this in a very nice and friendly environment.

What do you like most about practicing medicine at FirstMed?

What I love most are the efficiency and the patient-oriented approach. We can solve every situation very fast, and we operate as a team, which I think is very important.

What do you consider when looking for a doctor for yourself or a family member?

For me, the most important thing is their professional knowledge, experience and for them to be emphatic and nice when dealing with a patient.

Besides specific medical advice that you give to individual patients, is there anything you would recommend for people to stay as healthy as possible?

Prevention is essential for a healthy life. It is also important to have yearly screenings. For people who smoke, I advise them also to schedule a yearly exam with an ENT. IT is also important to get the available vaccines for HPV, influenza, and pneumococcus, and right now, to register for the COVID-19 vaccine. It is also important to wear a mask, social distance, and use hand sanitizer. Furthermore, it is important to exercise regularly and eat various foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Thank you for the interview Dr. Kovács!

Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
24-hour ‘on-call’ assistance.

Schedule an Appointment:
Call +36-1-224-9090 at any time of the day.
Alternatively, get in touch by email.