

Unlock exclusive discounts for FirstMed's medical services

Explore the range of corporate and group discounts below and take advantage of high-quality, English-speaking medical care at special prices.

Who is eligible?

  • Students over 18 with valid student ID: save 25% on medical service fees.
  • ISIC Cardholders: 25% off for international students and travelers.
  • Humanitarian organizations (e.g. Red Cross/Crescent, UNHCR): 35% off for employees and volunteers.
  • Health funds: 10% — benefit of healthcare solutions at preferred rates. Read more…
  • I. kerĂĽlet kártya: 10% discount offered to Budapest’s District I residents by this District Card.
  • HVG Klubkártya: 10% discount offered to HVG club card holders.

 Eligibility requirements and discount details

  • Discounts applicable for cash or credit card payments and the obtained medical services are to be paid in full in advance via the webshop, or at the time of the visit.
  • These discounts cannot be combined with any other special or discounted offer. You may not use them with prices under FirstMed’s Value Card or any FirstMed annual plan.
  • The discounts doesn’t apply to the following: dietitian, physical therapy, medications, vaccines, medical supplies, lab tests, and services not provided in/by FirstMed.

Further corporate and group rates are available. Contact our sales team for more information on special offers.

Schedule an appointment for a consultation with FirstMed and experience top-notch medical services at reduced prices.

To protect each other’s health, we kindly ask that you wear a mask during your visit if you have respiratory symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough) or fever.Â