Sophie Schödl – Nurse Spotlight

Why did you become a nurse?

I was around six when I was sure that I want to do something that helps people feel better. I had two options, I either played with my dollhouse, redesigning the rooms every week, or played with my doctor’s set. I did not realize it at the time, but I instinctively knew that living in a nice environment, someplace you feel safe and cozy, along with some playfulness and beauty, can have such a deep impact on someone’s soul. The other option was more straightforward: curing people when they are sick is a big help also. I was hesitating between these two until I had to decide which university I would attend.

Finally, medicine won, but I still have a crush on interior design.

Zsófia Schödl

What are the best things about being a nurse?

Oh, there are so many of them! I would say there are two main aspects. One is definitely the professional aspect: even though the basics (like anatomy) stay the same, the knowledge applied to the background and the treatments of diseases is ever developing and changing so rapidly that one is forced to study to stay up to date. The other aspect is that of personal development and growth. Sometimes all that is needed is listening attentively to the other person. Of course, that can be a remedy in itself. But how could you listen deeply if you do not have your own strategies to calm yourself, know yourself more and more?


What makes FM different from other places where you have worked?

I mainly worked in heart surgery ICUs before, so it is a totally different world regarding patients, schedules, stress levels, and the environment. Nevertheless, each has its beauty and a special place in my heart. I would describe the first as quite heroic, which was a great fit for me in my twenties. I learned a lot about life and death, I had a chance to work with state-of-the-art technology gadgets, and I witnessed both miraculous life savings and immense tragedies. The other, Firstmed, I consider my 4th child, since I have been part of the team before the doors even opened. I saw the bare concrete walls of its construction, and I had a chance to build something from the ground up with the first team.


What do you like most in Firstmed?

If I am correct, our company is considered a small firm in the private health care industry. Still, given the number of patients, the working hours, and the size of our facilities, I think it is a huge advantage that we can handle things with the same ease as when we started 22 years ago. For example, if I have a problem, I can have a solution within 5 minutes, rather than waiting for never-ending emails from the boss’ boss’ boss’ boss. Without a shadow of a doubt, my personal favorite is our medical team, mainly my nurse colleagues. It is very rare that just because a group of people works in the same place, they go out together, invite each other into their homes, and get to know each other to the point where they try to help each other with personal matters. We tell each other if something has to be done or said differently instead of ignoring things on the surface while going home with hurt feelings.


What do you consider when looking for a doctor for yourself or a family member?

That is a very complex question.  I would say the professional level of the particular doctor or therapist in his/her own field. It matters how long has he/she been in the area. If it is not for a specific problem, but for example, screening, then I would like to go to a place with a good diagnostic and technical background as well, so I do not have to go to several places for different examinations. And, yes, based on the beginning of this interview, you can guess that presentation also matters. No one likes to wait in a place where the ceiling can fall on you anytime…

Sophie has been working for FirstMed since the early days, and she is a well-respected part of the team. We appreciate that she took the time for the interview.


Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
24-hour ‘on-call’ assistance.

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