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Understanding and Treating Tongue Thrust Swallowing

From Detection to Correction: Journey Through Tongue Thrust Therapy Interview with Edit Juhász-Vedres, FirstMed’s Speech Therapist When teenager Alexandra visited FirstMed for a health check, her pediatrician noticed she pushed her tongue forward, against, or between the teeth when speaking. She suggested that they have a speech therapist evaluate the child because this could indicate […]

Differentiating Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis

Some skin conditions can often seem like a guessing game. Itchiness here, redness there—could it be atopic dermatitis or perhaps psoriasis? And where exactly does eczema fit into the picture? Differentiating atopic dermatitis and psoriasis can be challenging when common symptoms like dry, inflamed skin seem to crisscross each disorder. Don’t worry; you’re not alone […]

Top Diet Meal Plans for Healthy Weight Loss

Many diets promise weight loss, but how do we know whether they are healthy and effective in the long run? Previously, we discussed the risks of fad diets. Now, let’s examine the health effects of the top diet meal plans more closely. FirstMed’s dietitian and nutritionist, Izabella Henter, explains what to look for when choosing […]

Fad Diets on the Table: Risks of Trendy Weight Loss Plans

Summer is coming and with it the desire to get a bikini body fast—while we don’t want to deprive ourselves of our favorite foods. Our busy life makes it difficult to plan meals and snacks, which makes sticking to a diet challenging. Then you read in the news or hear from your friend about a […]

Quick Guide to Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections (STDs/STIs)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infectious diseases that can spread from one person to another primarily through sexual contact. If a sexually transmitted infection causes symptoms, it is considered to be a disease (sexually transmitted disease – STD). They’re caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that live in the body. The infection can be transmitted […]

COVID, Flu, or RSV? – A Winter Illness Guide

We’ve all been there: you wake up with a sore throat, headache, and general malaise. You would run to the doctor and wonder if it’s the flu, COVID, or RSV. If you’re wondering how to tell if your illness is caused by CoV (cytomegalovirus), flu (influenza virus), or RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), this guide will […]

Reduce the Risk of Premature Birth

Did you know that 15 million babies are born preterm each year, accounting for about one in ten of all babies born worldwide? That’s a LOT of babies! And it’s not just the moms who need to care about this—the whole family does. Premature birth is the leading cause of death in children under the […]

Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Prevention and Early Detection

Prostate cancer is the SECOND most common cause of cancer in men! In November, we draw attention to serious problems affecting men’s health, primarily prostate diseases. Among them, the most dangerous is the malignant tumor of the prostate, which can now be screened and cured if detected in time. The Movember movement started in Australia, […]

Pink October—Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is designated as Pink Month because of its color association with breast cancer awareness, highlighting the importance of timely and effective controls, diagnoses, and treatments. In this article, you can learn about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and the importance of regular screening in early treatment so you can act quickly if […]

Healthcare System in Hungary — Your Comprehensive Guide

When you’re traveling, getting sick can be daunting—especially when you don’t speak the local language and aren’t familiar with the healthcare systems. It’s overwhelming trying to figure out what steps to take next. Read this guide about public and private healthcare in Hungary, and find the best available medical treatment for your needs. Navigating Healthcare in […]

Why does your office give you headaches?

You’ve just spent the last 5 hours working on a spreadsheet and you’re feeling pretty good about yourself. But then you notice that the bright fluorescent lights are starting to give you a headache, and your back is hurting from sitting at your desk for so long. Why does office work give people headaches? Well, […]

Are You Taking The Right Medication On Summer Days?

During a heatwave, it’s important to be aware of how your health is at risk. It may not be just the heat that you need to think about. The combination of hot weather, increased sunlight and certain medications can make it particularly dangerous. Very few people know that certain types of medication, overexposure to the […]