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Varicose Veins Treatment

Explore varicose veins treatment at FirstMed, where personalized care meets advanced, minimally invasive procedures. Regain your confidence and comfort with our tailored therapies, including laser treatment and sclerotherapy, by our seasoned specialist.

Understanding Varicose Veins

Varicose veins occur when the valves in the leg veins, which circulate blood to the heart, become weakened or damaged. This can lead to blood pooling in the veins, causing them to become enlarged and twisted. Factors contributing to the development of varicose veins include age, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, and extended periods of standing or sitting. They affect mainly women but are not rare in men, either.

Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic concern but can also lead to discomfort and potential health complications. Symptoms can range from pain, aching, and a sensation of heaviness in the legs to itching, swelling, and changes in skin color. If these symptoms are ignored, they can progress to more severe conditions such as ulcers, blood clots, and even bleeding.

At FirstMed, we understand the importance of effective treatment options and offer personalized care for those suffering from varicose veins.

Preventive Measures

Preventive measures are essential and can help slow the progression or even prevent the occurrence of varicose veins:

  • Physical activities: Regularly exercise and conduct low-impact activities like walking to improve blood circulation in the legs.
  • Healthy weight and diet: Maintain a healthy body weight and consume a diet rich in fiber and low in salt to prevent pressure on the veins and reduce water retention and constipation.
  • Leg elevation: Take regular breaks throughout the day to elevate your legs above heart level. This simple action can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, reassuring you that you’re taking steps toward preventing varicose veins.
  • Appropriate footwear: Opt for low-heeled shoes, which can help tone the calf muscles that aid blood circulation.
  • Avoid tight clothing: Choose loose-fitting garments, particularly around the waist, legs, and groin area, to prevent constriction of blood flow.
  • Mindful sitting: Keep both legs on the ground with the proper support, such as a footrest or cushion. Sitting with your legs crossed for extended periods can hinder circulation. 

You may consider medical treatment if you have tried to prevent varicose veins, but they still appear.

Comprehensive Varicose Veins Treatment

We offer a range of treatment options to cater to the varying degrees of severity of varicose veins. Our treatment plans are tailored to your unique situation and preferences.

1. Compression therapy

Support stockings: Compression garments, ranging from socks to full-length stockings, exert graduated pressure on the lower extremities, aiding blood circulation.

2. Laser treatment

Laser technology: A cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure involving the delivery of laser energy to the affected veins, causing them to seal shut and gradually be absorbed by the body.

3. Sclerotherapy

Medicinal injections: A sclerosing agent is injected into the affected veins, leading to their closure. After the chemical is injected, you will need to walk around without pause for about 20 minutes. The area is then kept dry and under compression bandaging for 48 hours. The treatment is relatively complications-free, but you may experience mild bruising, itching, and redness in the first 48 hours.  Often, more than one appointment is necessary for complete treatment.

4. Surgical intervention

Surgical options may be recommended in cases where varicose veins are more advanced, Dr. Ervin Bács, our experienced vascular and general surgeon, can perform the necessary procedures on an outpatient basis; there is no need to stay in a hospital.

Post-operative recovery is quick. The wound heals in one or two weeks, and then you may resume your usual activities. However, to minimize scarring, the area should be kept away from the sun for two or three months. 

Get in Touch

Explore our comprehensive and personalized approach to treating varicose veins. Book a consultation to discuss the benefits of each treatment and choose the most suitable for your condition and individual preferences.

What our Patients Say

“This summer, things will be different. I will happily wear shorts and skirts with bare legs, rather than trousers. Not because I’ve lost weight, but because I’ve had my varicose veins treated.”  (Simona T.)

This is just one of the many success stories we’ve heard from our patients who have undergone treatment for varicose veins. Their experiences can serve as inspiration and reassurance for those considering treatment.

Request varicose veins treatment with our specialist at FirstMed to experience relief and reclaim the health and appearance of your legs.