Beating Spring Fatigue

Newsletter - Mar 1015 - Spring fatigueSpring brings life. Days become longer and warmer, we see more sunshine. The flowers and trees are blooming; it is hard not to be happy all over. Bursting with energy, we plan outdoor activities with friends as spring holidays appear on the horizon. Why is it, though, that for some there are feelings of fatigue and sadness for seemingly no reason at all? What brings this on and how can we cope with these changes? Just like the changes outdoor, we have our inner seasons as well.

Since ‘spring fatigue’ can be brought on by both internal and external forces, we need to make sure that those two factors are in sync. Our internal clock slows down during winter as our bodies have adjusted to longer nights and shorter periods of daytime leaving us with little time in the sunshine. The weather is brisk and sometimes bleak, snow and wind take their toll on our mood just as they do on our skin.

Those affected may feel:

  • irritable
  • listless
  • unable to concentrate
  • sad
  • exhausted
  • dizzy
  • generally weak.

One of the best things you can do to combat spring fatigue is to make sure you are getting enough rest. Make an effort to keep your internal clock in sync with real time. Try going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning, this helps your body adjust to the changing world around it. Keeping your body on a schedule will make you feel better. Though it is tempting to stay up later when the sun is out, we end up doing way too much adding to our fatigue. Make sure you give your body a break and let it get the rest it needs.

What we also need is lots of vitamin D to keep our body going. It is the sun that helps us get enough to feel bright and shiny, but when spring comes, the sun still is not strong enough to help us top up our depleted storages. At the end of a long winter we need to have enough sun to keep that level up, for which there are alternative ways too. Eat vitamin D rich foods such as leafy green vegetables and fruits. These will help give your body the nutrients it needs to feel energetic.

What more can you do?

  • Drink more water – about 1.5 to 2 liters per day – and drink herbal tea every day for a few weeks.
  • Cold showers are very refreshing. Start your day by gradually decreasing the temperature of the water!
  • Get enough oxygen: Take 10 deep breaths 3 times a day.
  • Other effective solutions against fatigue include sauna, massage, a few drops of refreshing essential oil in your home or taking a scented bath at the end of the day.

A few adjustments here and there can have you ready for spring in no time.

If all the above does not make you feel better, be sure to have yourself screened. An annual health exam can reveal illnesses with similar symptoms such as thyroid diseases, chronic Vitamin-D deficiency or anemia.

Sometimes with spring blooming, so do allergies. If you experience seasonal allergies, talk to your doctor ahead of time. Take the time to notice any changes in sneezing, watery eyes or coughing as these symptoms can get out of hand quickly.


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