
RBIF Special Offer

Thank you for supporting
Robert Burns International Foundation
at the Budapest Burns Supper

To show our appreciation, FirstMed offers special discounts for fellow supporters of the RBIF. With each purchase, we will contribute more to their mission of helping sick and underprivileged children.

Premium Plan – 15% off for all first-time plan holders:

The premium plan provides year-round medical coverage to children and adults at a great price. With a bundle of 20 primary care consultations, 8 in-house specialty visits, on-site diagnostics, one minor surgical procedure, an influenza vaccination, a physical therapy session, an eye exam, and much more. Access to our award-winning healthcare is entirely at your disposal.

With each new plan taken, FirstMed will contribute HUF 10,000 to the RBIF charity for adult plans or HUF 5,000 for child plans.

Click here for more information:

If you have any questions, or would like to purchase please contact us.

Annual Health Maintenance Exam – 50% off our regularly priced exam.

Having an annual health maintenance exam is an excellent opportunity to take charge of your health. Regular health care checks may help find problems early or prevent health problems before they occur.

Even if you feel fine, it is still important to regularly see a doctor to check for potential problems.

For each Annual Health Maintenance exam taken, FirstMed will make a contribution of HUF 10,000 to the RBIF.

Click here for more information about the exam.

If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment please contact us.