Men’s Health Week

Men are notorious for avoiding the doctor and ignoring unusual symptoms. This may help explain why women tend to live longer. However, don’t let complacency take a toll on your health. International Men’s Health Week is on June 14-20, and this is a time to raise awareness of all the issues that men are facing nowadays. The entire month of July was first recognized in 1994 in the USA, and then it became international in 2002, raising awareness by wearing blue and with different activities.

Men are less likely to seek healthcare than women.

Men tend to exhibit a fear of diagnosis. About 21% of men admit to avoiding the doctor because they’re too nervous about finding out what might be wrong. This might be related to the culture- and media-driven expectation for them to be strong and rarely show signs of weakness. This socially ingrained mindset subconsciously trains men to believe that going to the doctor exhibits weakness. Thankfully we can see this train of thought changing, and our society is changing as well. Hopefully, this will help men to go to the doctor not only when they have serious problems but also for yearly checkups.

One in nine men has prostate cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, the most common cancer is prostate cancer among American men. Men are reluctant to seek preventative care, but given these statistics, it’s a must. Even though prostate cancer typically grows slowly, it is still crucial to recognize it early on and treat it.

If you have trouble urinating, develop pain when urinating, or notice blood in your urine, it may be a sign of prostate problems.

They should make healthier life choices.

Statistics show that men drink more heavily and smoke more frequently than women. These habits can have several negative health impacts. They can cause liver and lung problems or heart disease. Men need to pay attention to eat more healthy foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and exercise regularly. When buying groceries, shop the perimeter of the store. This is where you’ll typically find products and natural ingredients. Spend less time inside aisles, where processed foods tend to be located.

Mental Health is one of the most stigmatized issues among men.

Many men – probably more than we think – struggle with their mental health and its stigma. Mental health among men often goes untreated because they are far less likely to seek mental health treatment than women. However, it’s not just asking for help that men seem to struggle with. They don’t like to talk about their feelings, and this isn’t just a stereotype. It is a trend that psychologists have documented. The model of masculinity in today’s society might be the reason that men are more likely to underreport symptoms of depression.  Talking about their feelings makes them vulnerable, and that can cause discomfort. We as a society have to take this stigma away. This might be hard initially, but ask the men in your life about their day and their emotions. The payoff will be worth it.


An annual physical (Health Maintenance) with a general practitioner can help men be aware of what’s going on inside their bodies and show you what steps they can take to stay as healthy as possible. In addition, you can get screened for various diseases and find ways to fight them off, and you can also seek help from a mental health professional. So if you’re ready to make your next annual appointment, contact us today!


Source: Luma Health and Healthline

Thank you, Hanna Taller, for the article.

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